Ready to scale? Partner with co-foundHer to get things done quickly.

Fractional Services

Chief Operating Officer

Good operators can be hard to find because the role is often ambiguous and difficult to define. But everyone knows a good operator when they see one - these people look at the company from a 20,000 foot view, yet are still able to get in the weeds to ensure systems are created to optimize efficiency and decrease waste - wasted time, energy, talent, & money.

A co-foundHer fractional COO will fill-in your gaps, operate, and scale, allowing you to think forward and up.

Chief of Staff

A good Chief of Staff will offload CEO tactical tasks, be an ear to the street to keep the CEO apprised of whats going on within the organization, manage business meeting and communication rhythm, help the staff and their teams interpret, understand and carry out the CEO’s vision and strategic intent, and be a thought partner…to name just a few.

A co-foundHer fractional Chief of Staff will become a complimentary extension of the CEO, alleviating busy-work.

Capital Services

Capital Readiness

Are you wanting to raise capital but not sure how or what type of investment to even take? Are you wondering if your business is even ready to go through the scrutiny of due diligence? co-foundHer partners have been down the same path multiple times, and can help the company prepare by working with the founder and CEO to ensure all functions are optimized for capital injection, scaling, and just as importantly, due diligence from potential investors.

A capital readiness engagement with co-foundHer will prepare you for the next level.

Operating Partner

Are you an investment firm looking for plug and play talent to fill gaps in your portfolio companies? On any given day are you confronted with talent concerns and talent voids? Look no further, co-foundHer can easily and quickly be plugged in to evaluate, provide feedback, help solve problems, coach, mentor, or just get stuff done.

A co-foundHer Operating Partner will become your transition and talent gap plug and play resource for portfolio companies.

Proven talent. Fast.

Having many priorities is the same as having no priorities. You need someone with a reputation for getting things done. Someone who doesn't have a departmental agenda, someone who can translate data into options and ensure strategic thinking is translated into action. You need someone who has done this before- someone that is plug and play, someone who can help you determine where to prioritize. We get in the weeds so you can focus.

A modern approach

It’s essential in today’s zero-sum business environment to strike while the iron is hot. Effectively riding the wave of momentum can make or break you, while ruminating over the perfect job description or new hire can cause you to lose time. Get proven, C-suite experience fast in today’s modern world.

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